lol our entire team went negative but we won because other team didn’t step foot in point

lol our entire team went negative but we won because other team didn’t step foot in point


  1. AKM7-Goat_and_Wolf

    Yes! Every one of these bozo “i JuSt WaNt tO gEt KeElLs. cAmPinG iN hP iS FuR LoOsErS.” who basically share a single brain cell collectively, should ALWAYS be teamed up together…

    A majority of them SUCK even at just getting kills, and while even in pro teams in world championships with fixed roles for players have their “slayer” cap the HP for like 30s in a game to cover up for teammates – these delusional dodos act like HP floor is lava.

  2. Yup, enjoy these suckers since while I may get mauled It’s gonna be a cheesy win.

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