
Revenue from gaming subscriptions has reportedly barely increased in the last two years in the US

“Revenue from gaming subscriptions has reportedly barely increased in the last two years in the US”


  1. lysergicreggae

    most Americans can’t even afford to buy quality food rn

  2. Price-x-Field

    I’d be a lot more into game pass if it was on steam

  3. samwise141

    I ditched ps+ after my sub ended and the price increased. There hasn’t been a single game on it after I canceled I feel like I missed out on. 

  4. Flush_Man444

    >barely increased 

    Just like earnings

  5. dThink_Ahea

    “Time to fire thousands of people. CEO’s should t have to go a year without a bonus, after all.”

  6. techniqular

    I did the one dollar stacking thing the last it was available for game pass. I think I’m out after that, Xbox included since I don’t own anything else on it. Subscription models seem weird for games to me but I’m old and there’s just too much to play for me after a while

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