
My top 10 3DS games.

My top 10 3DS games.


  1. UltraDuskknight

    Some nice picks, have you played Kid Icarus Uprising? that would be my top 1

  2. LowPawly_

    Bruh I will never not be sad that ds/3ds games are so hard to obtain physical copies of, I guess that can be said About any console that games aren’t currently being made for but I have more nostalgia over the ds/3ds era and I am so devastated that I miss so many amazing unique games on the system that I will now never get to own in this lifetime.

  3. mickybhoy13

    nice but no monster hunter, pokemon, final fantasy or dragon quest

  4. mid_vibrations

    wow, I haven’t played any of those 😮

    Considering staring Metroid in the near future tho! I’ll keep this thread saved for future reference if I want a new game to play 😀

  5. BenjyMLewis

    Just before the Nintendo 3DS eShop shut down, I bought both Stella Glow and Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology as digital downloads. I’m glad I did, and I’m looking forward to when I finally get around to playing them, as I’ve heard great things. Seeing them show up in a top ten like this is nicely affirming.

    I also bought both of the Shin Megami Tensei IV games, though those might take me a while to get around to since I am completely uninitiated to the Megami Tensei / Persona series.

    agghh, too many games are in my backlog at the moment, haha. I’ll get around to them eventually.

  6. spicychickenfriday

    Good call on Theatrhythm, that game is a blast.

  7. MotherHubGame

    My kid had a 3ds growing up, it still blows my mind the graphics on that thing after me growing up with gameboy

  8. supremekingherpderp

    Really surprised mercenaries made the list but re revelations didn’t. Revelations was probably the best looking 3d game and came out early lifecycle

  9. Colebur

    Great collection, that Metroid especially will age well and could be a collector’s item before long

  10. AssaultMonkey150

    Link Between Worlds is missing because you must not have played it ?

  11. These_Purple_5507

    The 3ds castlevania game slapped

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