Here’s another episode of is this brand new account a cheater or just a really good player! (This is like a 10 minute video, there's a few spots that can be skipped because nothing is going on. I left a comment about it)

Alright guys, I was playing normal solo FPP earlier today when I came across this guy, he got some good shots on me and took me out before I could get my sights on him. So I just watched his POV for the rest of the game to see who wins.

Watching him in real time was a bit strange, he'd know where people were even after they rotated. His fight with the last guy also made me scratch my head some.

This level of map awareness suggests that they are a very good player, but during the final two they didn't use any throwables and just went prone on the side of the road. He ended up getting the win after getting double flashed. He managed to track the guy pretty good even while the flashbang effect was still going.

I'm not saying it's impossible for this guy to have pulled this off, but i'm just a little suspicious.

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