[COD] Completely new to COD please teach me.

Hello, I just downloaded COD yester and today is my first time actually playing. I have no clue how to play so please please please help a girl out😩😩


  1. Glittering_Aerie7838

    Don’t buy anything it’s a scam!

  2. InsenitiveComments

    Don’t expect to get good immediately, most people who play have been playing for years. Expect to be insulted for any reason (especially if you are a girl). Find any friends to play with because learning with people you like is better.

  3. Snivinerior2

    avoid the meta, have fun using what you want

  4. Level_Fault9359

    Girl, good luck COD isn’t easy even for the elders of this game

  5. Hot_Counter3024

    Never spend a dime. Best advice. Also just enjoy the game honestly don’t let people control how you want to play

  6. ScoutGolf52

    Try the practice track, it runs down the basics

  7. Embarrassed-Half-780

    I’m sorry for your loss 😔

  8. limaromeocharlie-777

    Honestly learn movement and tracking, don’t ever stop moving

  9. LonesomeRookie117

    Just like that one rule in DOOM games

  10. Equivalent_Lab_1886

    Just gotta take your time with everything. People are gonna talk shit, don’t pay it mind. I would say mute the lobbies but it’s best to not do that so you can hear callouts.

    Watch a few videos, make some good loadouts and just have some fun.

    Oh yeah and don’t fall down the rabbit hole of buying so many skins 😂 I spent like $100 on modern warfare 2 (2022) skins, that’s not including the price of the game

  11. mekhi_the_rslashfan2

    Guns are constantly being nerfed and buffed every month. Your favorite gun might be dog**** by night. Look up the cod meta online to understand the best guns during the season. The bp50 and superi 40 are great smg’s and great ground loot. NEVER LAND CONTROL CENTER NEARLY EVERY TIME ITS A HOT DROP. And try to learn movement. It helps so much.

  12. Ok-Confusion-202

    you probably already know, but seeing as you are on Xbox, the next CoD will be on Gamepass.

    Oh and also people will camp… Be ready

  13. TreyBlicky78

    LT= aim and RT= shoot 🙏🏽 have fun bro

  14. tryhdleo_-

    If you want to rank up weapons really quickly or just over max it out with ease I recommend playing plunder and get most wanted contracts basically just search for loot boxes to reduce time or scavenger contracts which is find 3 loot boxes and that’s it. Just take your time use what ever weapon you feel comfortable with and also do not spend any money on the store but if you want to spend on the battle pass for like 10 bucks and you can just save it for future seasons but it’s better playing the way to feel so good luck and have fun 👍🏽

  15. OldGamerGuy5

    People play for absurd amounts of time nowadays. Goodluck.

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