
Playstation confession

I didn't play on a Playstation until many years after first seeing one as a kid, because I thought "the games seem really cool on it, but sadly I won't be able to get into it because it has these weird inverted controls for some reason. I'm too used to my Nintendo's normal controls", meaning the D-pad. I didn't look close enough or long enough to notice the indentation arrows indicating the actual directions.

One day I decided to try one somewhere regardless, and I realised that the D-pad isn't actually inverted–the buttons just look like arrows pointing in the opposite direction that they're for because of a design choice!


  1. cyclingnick

    That’s honestly super hilarious. Thanks for sharing

  2. Extra-Use-7754

    I’ve always thought of it as a traditional d-pad trying to break out of a block of carbonite. I love your weird interpretation.

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