what’s a counter strike opinion that will leave you like this?

what’s a counter strike opinion that will leave you like this?


  1. DepartmentSpirited33

    operations are overrated I’d rather have a fully finished game with community servers integrated into the game with fully functional game modes ran by the community rather than having to wait for it to officially release with updates released biyearly

  2. Interesting-Season-8

    Without gambling the game would be dead

  3. toxicity18241

    -mirage +cache/train/cbblestone(fill in the blank here with any map)

  4. Patriccckkk

    People giving the exact same opinions everyone has already been saying

  5. 4d617665726963

    Remove the AWP or give it a .1 second shot delay similar to an r8 or something.

    “Low elo, skill issue, you don’t know how to use utility” yet it dominates pro play to the point where the top 10 fraggers are consistently awpers.

  6. _Pyxyty

    More so related to the esport scene but whatever.

    BO1s should be more common, and BO5s are overrated.

    “Wahhh, weaker teams might fluke out by beating us on one map” Sounds like a skill issue to me. Rich ass orgs gonna cry about flukes just because the players they pay tens of thousands of dollars to lose to some squad from a minor region that’s fragging their asses off for a map? Boo-hoo. Beat them or weep.

  7. australianinlife

    Bring back the shield to the game

  8. Fun_Philosopher_2535

    CS2 graphics look wrong compared to CSGO/CS source , Cause artstyle gives soul to the game, Realism is what we see in daily life and its boring. I find the CSGO’s atmosphere much better and aesthetically pleasing than CS2. Feels wrong to fight in an wedding place like memento or in happy sunny day at inferno, When we play militaristic single player games they all look gritty, depressing, damaged which fits the game theme more, CSGO felt like one, CS2 doesn’t. Its too clean, colorful, happy to be a warzone tbh

    Edited ( -2 downvote so far, Keep it coming, This is what the thread was about Lol)

  9. toi80QC

    There aren’t any cheaters in CS2, y’all just suck

  10. they_call_me_justin

    This subreddit is way too entitled. Im just glad we have a game to play for gods sake.

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