
Whoever the person was who decided to pull the trigger on getting this game on Xbox. From the deepest parts of my heart I thank you. Can finally beat one of my childhood games once and for all.

Whoever the person was who decided to pull the trigger on getting this game on Xbox. From the deepest parts of my heart I thank you. Can finally beat one of my childhood games once and for all.


  1. I love when classics can be played on modern consoles

  2. darkraveni

    I would keep in mind what the remake dev put out last.

  3. Professionalhugiver

    Can u tell me bout the game i might get it

  4. TheeLastSon

    the fact any og xbox or 360 games are over 5 bucks is a crime to gaming and an insult to all of us.

  5. DrHemmington

    “Triple pay for the one who kills that bounty hunter!” Has been living rent free in my head for the past 22 years.

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