Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Is Cold War worth it for the campaign?

I'm playing through all the good cod games and I'm up to Cold War. Only asking about the campaign. I wanted to know if it's worth playing. Let me know about what you liked and/ or disliked about the campaign and it's story. Also feel free to mention anything about zombies/multiplayer. Thanks


  1. rende33

    Campaign was alright, 3/5, I wouldn’t but it myself if it’s just for the campaign


    What are they charging for it now? 20 yeah sure 50 not a chance

  3. PartyImpOP

    No CoD is worth it just for the campaign. The zombies and MP are ok thoigh

  4. Magic8BallLover

    Absolutely, it’s short but it was absolutely my favorite campaign. It gets a lot of shit but I’m absolutely begging you to play it. It’s dramatic, fast paced and epic. I won’t spoil it, but the twists are insane too.

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