Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpsycho behaviour

Cyberpsycho behaviour


  1. P0tent1alH0M13

    Whats wrong with driving in first personšŸ˜‚

  2. erock2095

    Way more immersive plus skill issue if you canā€™t. People claim the driving in this game sucks, but if you drive like itā€™s real life itā€™s pretty much perfect

  3. whousesgmail

    I almost always drive in first person.

    I prefer giving Songbird up to Myers.

    I think itā€™s better to let Takemura die unless you plan on siding with Hanako.

    Fear me lol

  4. tinklymunkle

    I felt so bad when I found out you can save Goro šŸ˜­

  5. Nexus6Leon

    There’s no good reason to save songbird. She’s a liar, and a cheat, and she was fuckin with shit she didn’t understand.

  6. Arzachmage

    I never drive in third person.
    First person is so much better on every aspect.

  7. PhaseSixer

    I didnt know I could save Takemura

    The only Diffrence between Songbird and Dexter Deshawn is shes hot.

  8. IcuntSpeel

    Hi, I first person driver here. Do it for immersion. The thing that actually drives me into a cyber psychosis is that THERE ARE NO FUCKING MIRRORS.



  9. NotSoAwfulName

    Immersion over all, I don’t even fast travel, riding metro or drive, you never go back

  10. The999Mind

    Driving in first person is surprisingly fun lol

  11. The_Aodh

    I let takemura die so that he has an honorable death, and he doesnā€™t have to see arasaka fall at my hands. And I never have to see his angry vidcall

  12. Treekomalfoy_

    i fucked up bad….

  13. Sensitive-Ad-4207

    Iā€™m ngl, first person driving is so much more fun imo.

    Someone on this sub said ā€œI try not to fast travelā€ and ever since then Iā€™ve been driving everywhere, usually in first person. Its added so much more to the game for me and I love it even more now

  14. Iatemydoggo

    What?? Yall donā€™t like driving in 1st person?

  15. Kindly_Pay9816

    bruh the 3rd person driving is awful 1st person gang wya

  16. LordGarithosthe1st

    I never save Takemura anymore, guy is just using V same as everyone else.

  17. Hexnohope

    I liked him alot. I have a headcanon that he has cut content involving helping him realize that arasaka stole his life away and getting him to turn like my corpo v did. Regardless when the floor dropped out from under me and johnny said run i was so in the moment i was like “NO!” And used the super jump to go right back up through the floor. I was AMAZED the game actually let me save him like that. Its also why i love fortified ankles.

  18. oceanandlakeswimming

    whatā€™s wrong with driving in first person??

  19. Deathstroke5289

    Try driving a motorcycle first person. Much better experience

  20. Werewolf2578

    To me it’s easier to drive the bikes in first person but the cars def require 3rd person.

  21. InfiniteIron2303

    I kill goro and betray songbird. They are both the same really just using you

  22. Blutarched

    I only drive in first person on a bike. Never anything else.

  23. flarespeed

    i let goro die in that mission so he doesn’t die feeling betrayed when i assault the tower. i’ll definitely rescue him in a devil end run if i ever do one.

  24. Josh_Flare

    Bro stop. It took me 5 playthroughs to finally get SPOILED to realize you could save him šŸ˜‚ like I just assumed he was cooked EVERY time

  25. Groundbreaking_Can53

    Dude Goro literally despises you if you choose any other ending than Hanakos

  26. dcbnyc123

    i drive most cars in first person. some of the trucks and suvā€™s have giant A-Pillars that block half the screen so i 3rd person those.

    motorcycles are incredible in first person and very easy in first person to rip through NC.

  27. Soggy_Sherbet_3246

    I’m too stupid for this meme chooms.

  28. ThearoyJenkins

    Listen… I didn’t know I could save Goro, and it was like 20 hours later

  29. PassionSenior6388

    Huh i thought he just had to die guess i try getting him next time

  30. DatBronzeOnLadder

    do you get to do more questing with takemura if you save him?

  31. May-Day10

    Wait he diesšŸ«„


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