In 2022 voo made this video about what CS:GO needed that year. Fast-forward to CS2 and about 60% have been added

Original Video

I thought it would be interesting to see how many of these changes have been added since the advent of CS2 since some have been added, and others haven’t

What’s stayed the same:

More sponsors for content creators:
Bit of a joke in the video but generally the amount of sponsors for CS content creators other than just CS related services like skin sites, are still pretty low and the same as before. Not really Valve’s fault. Either you remove Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists from the game or you continue to have low sponsors

Saving too often (Letting the bomb explode on CT)
Still an issue in CS2. Pros save too often because it just makes more sense to do so, given the tight economy. MR12 did make it slightly less common in some rounds but it’s still boring for the average viewer, and even the crowd at the Blast Spring Finals boo’d whenever it happened like at a lot of events. Only minor changes have been made in CS2 so far

Remove $1400 loss bonus
I agree completely. It’s too painful for CTs especially in MR12 and double save rounds or double eco rounds back-to-back is dumb with less rounds to play. Again, only minor economy changes have been made since

Matchmaking Fix
About the same in Premier and MM. I think Vac in CS2 is slightly better than CS:GO but I might have to play more Valve servers to find out. Experiences vary but I still get unbalanced games in Premier and I know others do as well

Famas buff
The sound changed in CS2. Yay?

Defuse Kit at $200
Still at $400. Maybe $200 is too cheap, maybe $300 is better. Maybe better economy could circumvent this

”There needs to be changes more quickly.”

What’s changed:

M4A1-S nerf:
Nerfed in CS:GO 2022 & 2023

M4A4 more viable:
Loadouts in CS2 means you can have both, and M4A4 is now $3000

End of Season Majors
Finally a thing in CS2 with the upcoming Shanghai Major. All Majors heading into 2025 will be the last Tier 1 event before the player break

More variation in the Map Pool
2023: -Dust II + Anubis (CS:GO)
2024: -Overpass + Dust II (CS2)
One of the easier ones to fix, although I don’t really like this current map pool as much. Vertigo, Dust, and Mirage don’t really make sense to be in the same pool IMO. Dust and Vertigo have never been in a Major Grand Final iirc, and Mirage is just Dust III

AWP nerfed to 5 bullet per mag
Nerfed to that exact stat in 2023 CS:GO

CS:GO 360 Stats improvement
Removed from the game in CS2. Didn’t make sense for it to exist as a paid service with Leetify sticking around, and removing it is an improvement because who remembers that shit anyway

Agent skins are too hard to see
voo suggested turning skins off client-side, instead visibility in CS2 is better. They’re easier to spot in CS2 although still a slight issue with some maps like Thera but better overall

Spawn changes
voo suggested cycled spawns like in CS:S. In CS2 Valve instead made spawns more compact a few months ago although Dust II still has this issue

Pistol rounds are too random
He did later make a video in 2023 about pros figuring out Pistols more. They are slightly less random now and are less impactful in MR12

$12500 in Overtime for pro events
Never noticed it until late 2023 but $12.5k is the standard in Overtime now for all Tier 1 events in CS2


The video did focus more on the pro scene but these changes do affect all of us. I think the state of CS2 has blinded us to the improvements that have been made over time. However, I think Valve should pick up the pace and make changes faster, and I agree that CS2 still feels weird. Movement and recoil just don’t feel right and I know I’m not alone. I’m not saying don’t say anything negative about CS2, we have to in order to make the game better, but let’s not act like CS2 has made no progress overall. Then again, I think jL still doesn’t have his trophy so the game sucks 0/10

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