
This… this makes me scared

This… this makes me scared


  1. jack-harkcom56

    I just flat out refuse to believe this.
    This is insane

  2. SoftPois0n

    to me even 20 years ago feels like GTA 5

  3. Prudent-Character431

    I really wonder what causes you to feel like time is going by faster than it actually is the older you get. Is it just because you’re investing so much time into your job? Is that all?

  4. Alternative-Wash2019

    I’m scared looking at this. I’m becoming old. Tbh I feel like 10 years ago was PS2, not PS3.

  5. -ImJustSaiyan-

    Only gonna get worse from here, buddy.

  6. Immediatelymade

    No way bloodborne was 10 yrs ago 😭😭

  7. dfjdejulio

    Why isn’t my Atari 2600 in the first picture?

  8. Electrical_Life6186

    It is true. You are going to die.

    But before that happens your body and mind will start to fail you, bringing you closer and closer to the thought of actually **wanting** for it to happen.

    Because life is torture of losing all that you thought you have.

    Look forward to it.

  9. Sleepless-Shuttle

    I still remember Xbox One release day. Damn, good times.

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