[BO3] What are the general thoughts of Black OPs III nowadays?

I have a lot of memories playing BO3 with friends but have only recently learned that not a whole lot of people were happy about the futuristic setting COD was in at the time. So I'm curious about how people feel about Black Ops 3 nowadays.


  1. forrest1985_

    Superb game. Probably my fave entry after golden age COD’s. Winning MP, Best Zombies to date and lots of additional modes. Specialists were well done (unlike 4) and the Campaign’s first half was good. I like the safehouse and features in it too. I think had the 2nd half of the campaign not gone all batshit it wouldn’t get the hate.

    IW is still the best non-golden age Campaign to date.

  2. jespertherapper

    I would have still had it on my ps4 if it didnt had the god mode glitch.

  3. Lispro4units

    Best zombies for me thanks to custom maps

  4. Llama_Badger

    Second best COD of all time in my opinion. BO2 is the only game that beats it

  5. AdamBLit

    I truly enjoyed BO3 very, very much as a game. I didn’t even play campaign much, it was straight multiplayer and zombies with my friends, and my god it was a blast. I’ve heard every criticism ever of this game and none of them affect me at all, I absolutely loved this entry. I actually played the multiplayer a couple games last year, yea there’s hackers but I actually got a couple legit lobbies and it’s still fun.

  6. RuggedTheDragon

    The campaign was absolutely terrible. It had nothing to do with the previous Black Ops games. I still hold my personal theory that it was not supposed to be called Black Ops III originally, but Treyarch had to change it in order to sell units.

    Multiplayer was also very sluggish for an advanced movement game. They introduced specialists, which were very annoying and overpowered at times. There was also the fiasco with supply drops and locking half of the arsenal behind them. Overall, it wasn’t a great game.

    As for zombies, I wasn’t really into that. I know it wrapped up the story, but if you think about it, did zombies really have a good story to begin with? For something so important kept hidden by Easter eggs you would never be able to discover unless you looked up online guides, it wasn’t worth the time.

  7. GameLessGlitch

    I think it is one of the most overrated CoD games of all time. That’s not to say it’s bad I just think it’s so annoying how people act like it’s the holy fucking grail when it’s just alright? I mean the guns were kinda meh and the campaign was atrocious and the zombies was alright but we’ve seen much better

  8. skorpiontamer

    Overrated cod plain and simple.
    The multiplayer was full of unbalanced weapons, the introduction of specialists was an awful idea and should never have been added, and the advanced movement is just not what call of duty is about.

    Zombies honestly aren’t that enjoyable either. The weapons are all weak and th easter eggs are more of a boring chore than actually enjoyable content.
    (And no, remastering 8 old maps doesn’t make the zombies great) I’d rather just play the originals because they’re just more fun.

    Overall it’s still a much better game than BO4 and Cold War.

  9. StoppingPowah

    I miss it.

    Not as much as the Pre-Ghosts era, but I miss it a lot

    I still play it, but it’s not the same

  10. Admirable-Design-151

    One of the worst multiplayer and campaigns in the franchise, but the zombies was perfection incarnate

  11. scocth8

    Still play it only cause of shadows of evil

  12. Either-You-2265

    my own opinion of Black Ops 3 is that, the Campaign still sucks and doesn’t make any sense, the Multiplayer is ok, and the Zombies is good, though I still prefer Black Ops 2’s Zombies honestly.

    I also don’t think Black Ops 3 is one of the best COD games ever (it’s definitely not the worst either), my favorite COD game is still Black Ops 2, and I personally don’t see that ever changing.

  13. Other-Visual8290

    The best COD between the 2013-18 ‘dark age’

    Probably a top 3 multiplayer if it wasn’t for supply drops

    Arguably the best zombies

    Weak campaign but it had some of the best level design in the series

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