i miss how good spraying felt in csgo

i miss how good spraying felt in csgo


  1. AgreeableBroomSlayer

    You can feel the crispness in that clip. Sadly I doubt CS2 will ever feel that good. Its just sluggish

  2. i_shit_on_my_hand69

    bro, rn everything is so sad, that we should have be happy about spray even in 64tick

  3. Fun_Philosopher_2535

    What did subtick improved btw ? 

    – spray got worse 
    – movement got worse 
    – peekers advantage got much worse 
    – every random peeks like they are clone of Xantares 
    – Bhop is dead 

    I still trying figure what this subtick thing actually improved in the game ?

  4. Academic-Reason3285

    The screen shakes way less 

  5. aightletsdodis

    Man i miss csgo sooo much… Fuck CS2 🙁

  6. Fun_Philosopher_2535

    Funny thing is some casual will see this  ugly looking CSGO smoke and immediately make a conclusion how CS2 is a great upgrade when they wont realise how it’s downgrade to everything other than the smoke, loading times and improved visuals ( cost of FPS, more  eye stress due to  overexposed lighting) 

    I can guarantee in a fair world where both CSGO and CS2 are available and both are supported. All the pros and good players wouldve played  CSGO and CS2 would’ve played by Casuals only. 

    I hope this game gets better, we are almost 1 year anniversary and still it doesn’t feel much improved..Expected a much quicker progress than this tbh 

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