Here is Windows Government edition. Version of Windows maximally debloated by Microsoft, with all telemetry and microsoft apps removed and without restrictions for hardware present in Retail version

Here is Windows Government edition. Version of Windows maximally debloated by Microsoft, with all telemetry and microsoft apps removed and without restrictions for hardware present in Retail version


  1. Do-It-4-Da-LULZ

    There’s one of Windows 10 too, one version was for the Chinese government, I think it was Enterprise GN

  2. nathsabari97

    You would need store and edge webview if you are going to use gamepass and apps like apple music. Also defender is good to have.

  3. Gyatootie

    This sounds like the Windows version that everyone has been asking for all this time

  4. runaway90909

    Don’t just tease us with pics. How do we get it?

  5. SirOakin

    Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsStore | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml”}

    There, windows store

  6. SirOakin

    Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.SecHealthUI -AllUsers | Reset-AppxPackage

    Windows defender/ security

  7. LordJambrek

    This is how it should be, that’s the windows we all want.

  8. StreetAd7728

    As god intended? people might actually be happy paying for this… just saying…

  9. It is really hard to trust OS installs from 3rd parties. Even if it is a legit version, whoever is distributing it could add some malware or rootkit baked into the install that you’ll never know about.

  10. PolishedCheeto

    Without _any_ pre-installed browser how _do_ you access the internet to get Firefox? For both windows and linux?

  11. upreality

    Is there a Windows 10 version of this?

  12. lars2k1

    Without including Defender I wouldn’t bother. Just use IoT Enterprise LTSC – which you also can’t *legally* install on your PC as a consumer, but you do whatever you want with that information.

  13. multiwirth_

    Can we please stop using imgur?
    It’s the worst shit I’ve ever seen.
    There’s not a single image i could have a look at, without being interrupted with absolutely unrelevant trash popping up.

  14. kirsion

    I wonder how this compares to Windows ameliorated

  15. saxovtsmike

    looked interresting until no defender and no shop and final with not legal

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