When players asked for it and game developer delivers it dlc

When players asked for it and game developer delivers it dlc


  1. Interneteldar

    What people asked for is a fair challenge. And this game has a hard time providing it (though there are bosses that are genuinely fun to fight. Many are not.)

  2. BadSoftwareEngineer7

    3 call of duty players spotted. Opinions rejected. Use a summon if you struggle or play another game. These games are critically acclaimed for a reason. You don’t need to love them.

  3. ajakafasakaladaga

    People have forgotten the lesson the tree sentinel taught us after the tutorial: Sometimes you need to go to explore and comeback. Fire Basket guy is there to remind us.

  4. CharlesEverettDekker

    Nah these fire giants are absolute ass of a enemy. For some reason the big fire pots only worked once for me and never again.

  5. Ok-Issue7908

    Wicker Giant bosses are easy! You’ll see him a couple of times it’s the mob that drops the Special Flask Stones for altered effects in the DLC.

    How to beat:
    >!1) Attack legs!<
    >!2) Once he drops shuv weapon in Face!<
    >!3) repeat!<

    >!*) Jump over fire when needed or avoid he embers that fall from his basket!<

  6. trent_diamond

    Have I gotten mad that I’ve died hundreds of times? Yeah. Am I still gonna keep trying til I git gud and beat this shit? Hell yeah. It’s always been this way, I hope it always stays this way. There has just been more accessibility with Elden ring and a larger player base so the complaints seem bigger.

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