Call of Duty: Zombies

Black Ops 1 Gentlemen’s Rules

Black Ops 1 Gentlemen’s Rules


  1. Law129tag

    Sounds absolutely miserable, seems they’re the anabaptists of zombies in my book

  2. DreadBotvsZombies

    Bro that sounds dumb as f*ck like I can understand a few of these like no traps or ww but this is to many rules just for a game of zombies, also like who cares what guns you use as long as there not ww.

  3. Permaderps

    You do you but this sounds fucking miserable

  4. Generic_user_person

    Neat to see the “No Link/Pend/XYZ/Sync” guys on Dueling Network stepped out into other video games

  5. Lucidorex

    “Any Female player is excluded from this rule as the gentlemen should get the door for her.”


  6. Low-Effort-Poster

    This is obvious satire, there is NO way anybody would actually play with these deranged rules, I’d deadass walk home if someone handed me this shit

  7. Ma-Chi-Moto

    If you need to control the actions of other players to have more fun… maybe you should go solo.

  8. CommunicationFairs

    Bro this sub doesn’t understand satire lol they’re all patting themselves on the back and feeling elite while reading this lmao

  9. Sage296

    “To make zombies more fun and fair”

    NGL I already do most of the stuff listed and I can vouch that it’s very boring. Plus some are just good courtesy rules you can agree with.

    I know this is joke but I’ll go through it anyway

    1. I don’t really use traps already cause I forget or know I’m going to kill myself somehow using one

    2. Essentially making it more boring in the later rounds due to the fact PaP’d guns only do so much damage

    3. I guess that’s a pretty fun challenge even though I don’t do it anyway, except for points

    4. I think it’s also a fair challenge but will get tedious if you can’t get a good weapon. You should be able to spin again if a wonder weapon comes up since you can’t grab it

    5. I would have less fun with this

    6. Quick Revive, Double Tap, Speed Cola, Jugg gang WYA

    7. Sort of already a given in any match, so I can get behind this rule.

    8. Something everyone does anyway

    9. Not a big deal imo

    10. Should be a permanent rule

    11. Definitely less fun

    12. Early rounds a good idea, later rounds irritating

    13. This was always a thing anyway

    14. Doesn’t everyone get points regardless if you’re down or not if you get a power up? Max Ammo being the only one left out? I can’t remember

    15. Laugh out loud

    Moon and Call of the Dead are goated maps dumb rule.

    Nacht, Verrukt, and Shin rule isn’t too bad and barely anyone plays those maps anyway

  10. r3dsp33dstr

    banning the M16 is insane 😭 skullcrusher gang for life

  11. Burritozi11a

    Hey OP I’m gonna steal your lunch money and give you an atomic wedgie

  12. xBigode

    If the person who made these rules was a dev, we would be playing on a flat Minecraft world today, just with perks and PaP.

  13. KrypticXylo

    Playing zombies with that one cousin

  14. Foreign_Caramel_9840

    What about only staying in starting room to round ten and no stealing peoples windows lol

  15. Crafty-Writing5316

    Caught me off guard cause like half of these are legit, so I couldn’t tell if it was satire or not lol

  16. Brb-bro69

    But on rule 8. If it’s a carpenter wouldn’t that contradict rule 3?

  17. Kilo_Chungus

    This sounds like something adult Sheldon Cooper wrote up

  18. JustdoitJules

    What kind of dog shit is this, sarcasm or not its awful humor

  19. Head-Disk5576

    My friend while spamming the mystery box: “interesting”

  20. ArtieLangesLiver

    “you must let the zombies kill you so they don’t feel left out”

  21. ArtieLangesLiver

    Fucken Thomas always complaining

  22. Valky115

    I remember this, it’s a copy of that one Smash Brod club thing.

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