
Winning is Winning

Winning is Winning


  1. WhenYouWishUponHideo

    Night cheese means something different in my household

  2. 8-bit_Goat

    Beat Twin Moon Knight Rellana on my first try. Used the Mimic Tear and the NPC summon, so it was 3 against one. I let them do all the dirty work while I mostly just stayed out of the way and occasionally got in some opportunistic pokes with my Great Lance. (For SotE I’ve gone back to my old Demon’s Souls style of turtling up behind a shield while poking with a thrusting weapon.) I’m just using the tools From gave me here. *I HAVE NO REGRETS.*

    If you’ll excuse me, I’m about to go handle up on a certain dancing lion .

  3. Shadoecat150

    Friend of mine beat the DLC tonight using ‘unconventional tactics’. I replied, ‘Hey. Whatever works.’

  4. YourMumsBumAlum

    First boss I used the dogs that cause rot. Hardest boss in the game for me.

  5. Jon2046

    I beat the final boss of the DLC with the blasphemous blade after dying to it for 6 hours and 4 respecs.

  6. Just_a_terrarian163

    I just beat Margit! At level 46… With +6 Death’s Poker…

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