
Recommending using a Gamepad to your Players:

Recommending using a Gamepad to your Players:


  1. MrMiyagi_256

    I can’t get comfortable with gamepad’s camera movement for some reason. I just feel like something is obstructing my view or my pov is limited.

  2. Dry_Damp

    Meaning: the developer couldn’t be bothered to do mouse/keyboard support when porting the game.

  3. thaneros2

    I’ve never seen a Ninja use a keyboard and mouse so I don’t think Ryu is lying.

  4. Extremearron

    I’m just glad that ucn has Keyboard and mouse support, Otherwise i wouldn’t think about trying it (On xbox).

  5. yeetlonk

    tbf controller inputs are probably significantly easier on a high intensity hack and slash like ninja gaiden. Not to mention more comfortable

  6. Medici1694

    I started using a pad for devil may cry 5 when I hurt my thumb, and it honestly worked pretty well. Rotating the camera was a chore but if you locked onto an enemy, it kind of did it for you.

  7. InvectiveOfASkeptic

    Pc gamer oppression. Gamers rise up. We live in a society

    Bottom text

  8. ThatManOfCulture

    Plus you can game from TV with gamepads. Mouse/keyboard requires you to sit in front of the PC.

  9. Haxxtastic

    Dark Souls did this but without using words

  10. CalligrapherAlive948

    Gamepads are lame, design your game better.

  11. inferni_advocatvs

    You are physically incapable of being a ninja without a gamepad, but not for lack of keyboard support 🍖🍖🍖

  12. AspGuy25

    I got Ninja Gaiden on steam a bit ago. I had never played the third game, but played the first and second a lot.

    It was trash. The PC port didn’t even work. There were game breaking things, like the cutscenes.

    So you aren’t physically capable of being a ninja with a game pad.

  13. Zandrick

    Keyboard and mouse is a stupid way to play video games

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