Just won this bad boy

Wanted to share my excitement with you guys !
So i just won this bad boy at a new tech event in france called TechAwards. This event was organized by a french tech influencer in order to reward the best tech products of the year.Tickets were free( limited amount given in the instagram canal) And to celebrate this new event, 8 participants from the crowd were randomly chosen by their ticket number and i guess the giveway pity won and was chosen to win this bad boy. I don’t realize how crazy it is and wanted to share this with you guys. It is a unique piece customized glass decoration made by someone working in stained glass usually for churches. There’s also a photo with the specs !


  1. khayamyulmare

    Damn, congrats.. You are hella lucky to have won that

  2. navagon

    Congrats, dude! That’s a really awesome prize.

  3. Holtyre

    Today is your lucky day…now don’t jay-walk or play lotto…you’ll get hit and you won’t win the lotto….stay inside and game

  4. Trav11er

    Congrats! That’s an awesome piece of kit, too!


  5. turntabletennis

    That’s cool as hell man. ALWAYS wrap your side panel in a towel when you take it off for servicing your PC.

  6. frytkizchleba

    I’ve just built almost exactly the same rig and can’t wait to try it. Gz bro, hope we both enjoy it haha

  7. ShiggitySheesh

    I got a boner in honor of your victory.

  8. Antique_Score2645

    Zamn, that’s a really beasty boi. I’m happy and jealous of you 😎

  9. Nikos-tacos

    Careful, it might explode into million shards.

  10. Mikoyan-I-Gurevich-4

    Congrats, man. Hope you enjoy it, and it serves you well for years to come. Ironically, I also had a Frenchman gift me a PC

  11. Green-Thing-4237

    Look, someone has played all night to get lucky

  12. dariel_ns

    C’est quoi ça tech awards, moi aussi je veux gagner ☹️

  13. slowestratintherace

    Oh…look…it’s a bass…and some drums…so cool you happened to somehow end up with those in the picture…yawn…

  14. zegota1312

    Crazy cool pc wayyyy better than what im rocking but id make it 32 gb ram. Those specs are beautiful though

  15. Yeah Yamaha bass guitars are really nice win

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