
Yesterday was Quake’s 28th birthday ๐Ÿ‘น

Yesterday was Quake’s 28th birthday ๐Ÿ‘น


  1. trashboatfourtwenty

    Ranger: Missed my birthday? Rocket up the ass!

  2. EggsceIlent

    My gaming world took off when I got my first 3dfx card as a kid (first graphics card period really) and played quakeGL.

    Then quake2 came out like a month later or whatever.

    Blew. My. F’ing. Mind.

  3. Nomenus-rex

    Never liked it. Always preferred Doom 1-2, Blood and, later, Quake 2. Q1 was aesthetically boring: just a rust-brown stain on the screen.

  4. CapnWilfbeard

    My first job as a teenager was pretty sleepy. It was just me and my boss(/business owner) and we’d get the days work done in a few hours. We’d take it in turns to play quake while the other one watched the shop/answered phones. They were good times. Half life completely supplanted quake eventually, but it was deffo fun while it lasted.

  5. Crembels

    If we ever get a new Quake game I hope they revisit the Cthulu mythos theme of the original one. Seeing it get the Doom 2016 glow up treatment would be so good.

  6. Timely-Appearance115

    And so the Deathmatch for everyone (with Internet) began. People made Mods and Maps, lots of Server (self hosted) communities and Clans formed. Wild times.

    A huge Thank You to id for making the game so accessible for so many people of different interests.

  7. RandomPersonBob

    Quake 3 Team Arena was amazing. I spent so much time on it. All those mods and maps.

    I remember the license key was wrong on all of them and you had to go to their site and put it through a decoder to fix it. You had to enter that key a lot, and I memorized like that 30 digit number. Good times.

  8. homecookedmealdude

    It was so cool for its time that Trent Reznor got involved when NIN were at the height they were at.

    Would do anything to go back to those days.

  9. Bombalurina

    I remember going to a PC convention and played this with my dad on LAN and thought it was the coolest thing ever.


  10. pumkinut

    Finding out the demo CD had the full install, you just had to find the key online to open it.

  11. Schraiber

    Quake 1 is such an absolute vibe. I love how it has military stuff, Lovecraft stuff, etc. And I love the environments and everything, the 3D level design is so good throughout. And the enemies are also exquisite! I particularly like the ogres, which are some of my favorite enemies in all of gaming.

  12. When it was released on retail or when the shareware dropped?

  13. doilikeyou

    The release of QTest was an amazing day at my job, I don’t remember much fanfare or knowledge of it’s release, but it took off like wildfire, and gave us co-workers a chance to take revenge on those who kicked our asses in Warcraft II and Descent on the LAN at work.

    I played with the Keyboard only originally, and I fared very well, and the only reason I switched to Mouse + Keyboard as it was quieter and I could play during the day at work and not get in trouble due to all the noise.

  14. -RedXV-

    I still play QL and QC everyday. It’s actually the only thing I play.

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