Saving “This content is no longer available.” to a file makes the file no longer available.

Saving “This content is no longer available.” to a file makes the file no longer available.


  1. What?! What is this witchcraft? It did let me save it but then Defender jumped in and quarantined it

  2. SolidZealousideal115

    I just checked it. It does work for some reason.

  3. tacodung

    I can’t even test this myself because I completely removed Windows Defender from my system, and I don’t have any other AV lmao

    ETA: Hi downvotes! It was recommended that I add that I do NOT recommend doing this yourself, I ONLY did this for benchmarking purposes to keep as much CPU/RAM available as possible.

    Please don’t do dumb shit, that’s what I’m here for

  4. CapyPlasma

    what the hell is this?
    edit: i assume when you save it, it has a checksum that it similar to some kind of trojan ? Win Defender detects a “Trojan:Win32/Casdet!rfn” (I know nothing in cyber security sorry)

  5. brodoyouevenscript

    Could you try writing the file and adding a bunch of other writing afterwards? Just curious if it will still flag it.

  6. azuranc

    false positive or possible an easter egg lol

  7. Ronyx2021

    Is that how I get rid of unwanted windows screenshots?

  8. Helpful-Work-3090

    How is this detected as a trojan. what the frick is this witchcraft

  9. TheTank18

    microsoft should have “bush hid the facts” be marked as malware for the funny

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