
What monitor arm is recommended for an ultrawide?

What monitor arm is recommended for an ultrawide?

by ApprehensiveRooster8


  1. Celcius_87

    This looks really cozy and I like it a lot

  2. Brodie392

    Really just depends on the weight of the monitor. I’ve used Ergotron HX, honestly seemed like other cheaper brands could have held it up all the same. With Ergotron you’re really paying for the high quality materials for a “professional” look. I can’t advise you to go this route, but you can probably accomplish the same with other monitors arms even if they state they are not rated for the monitor size. I run IT for medium sized office and we usually make whatever we have work, and i’ve seen plenty of 32″-42″ monitors held up by monitor arms that weren’t “supported/rated” for the size but was in the same supported weight range. Other good monitor arm brands are NB (North Bayou), VIVO, and EVEO. EVEO has been a favorite of mine currently and they also have a monitor arm that supports 49″ monitors for $99 (compared to the $200-400 ergotron).

  3. don’t waste your money on some overpriced stuff, in the end its only an monitor arm, you will probably set it once and leve it be for the most part

    personally i used some randon 70€ one from amazon since years without any issue on my asus ultrawide. just make sure it has sufficient weight limit and the table mount looks good to you

  4. chocological

    Vivos are good and cheap on Amazon.

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