NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang hints at AI-generated textures and objects in future games

NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang hints at AI-generated textures and objects in future games


  1. ApprehensiveAd6476

    I mean, that’s okay and all, but there has to be some human input for quality control.

  2. In theory it’s a good idea? Smaller install sizes because you don’t have the texture data.

    In practice? There’s a need for texture artists they make things work with UV maps and have a strict art pipeline to follow for style and consistency, can AI match that accurately 

    Things like noise, gradient and the like are already created through shaders instead of static image files so I can see large tiling textures get AI generated for things like sand, dirt or concrete.

  3. Careless-Midnight-63

    At this point, nvidia does everything with their gpus besides making them better. Fuck jensen

  4. creamcolouredDog

    He doesn’t care about any of that, he just wants to sell chips to suckers (other corporations and AI startups)

  5. Scytian

    Amazing, now instead of upscaling artifacts alone we will get texture artifacts and mesh artifacts too.

  6. Edgar101420

    Time for Nvidia GPUs to have even less VRAM.

    5050 with 2GB, 5060 with 4GB, 5070 with 8 and a 4080 with 10GB.

    You will buy it happily, cuz AI, DLSS and RT of course, even if the cards cant even run it due lack of VRAM😂

  7. StrictLimitForever

    Even all his public appearances in 2024 are AI generated.

  8. DCSFanBoi69

    This might work for some type of games. AI generated pedestrians or citizens for city builder or base management game for example. It could allow more diverse character pool than current methods. 

    I don’t however understand why AI bros are so into replacing humans from the process. Wouldn’t enhancing work flows with AI tools be better? If one artist could boost their productivity by significant amount instead of replacing them completely with some super complex AI that might or might not do a good job wouldn’t that create better products?

  9. splendiferous-finch_

    Lol are they trying to figure out a way to reduce vram with this? You know as a cost cutting/profit maximisation measure to reduce installed vram in thier cards.

    I am 100% sure they are will move video memory to the chip if they could get away with it. Though the current control they have over what board partners etc. can do I doubt they even need to do it.

  10. MrOphicer

    Isn’t this the same guy who said that blockchain and crypto are the future? But what do I know…. he makes some nice shovels though.

  11. RagingCommunard

    AI is not the boogey man everyone thinks it is. With the right oversight it can be very useful.

  12. elgarlic

    *Digital garbage seller alert* I swear, if we learned on hype train like NFTs and crypto, Ai wouldve been yesterdays news garbage.

  13. RosbergThe8th

    I’m sure the CEO of NVIDIA has no particular reason to hype AI as much as possible. That’s not to say that it may not be of use but this is marketing speak and fairly unremarkable.


    In the early-mid days of DLSS, maybe around DLSS2, I made a post that said future games will ship will lower resolution textures to decrease the install size – and they will ship with a trained AI model to re-up scale the textures in real time.

    I was massively down voted and told I was an idiot and ‘thats not how DLSS works’. I tried to defend myself saying, I know that’s not how it currently works, I’m describing a use case for a future state.

    Now years later I get to see Jensen himself making the case.

    That’s cool, also fuck you reddit

  15. rmpumper

    Textures can already be generated by “ai”. Pretty sure Blender has a plugin for that.

    Model? Keep dreaming, unless you want a messy mesh like with photogrammetry, though corporations like Shutterstock are already pulling 3D artists into their AI training models by default in the attempt to create 3D model generators, but they’ll just kill their own business with that shit and hurt thousands of actual 3D modellers.

  16. JosebaZilarte

    Well… Most textures are already generated procedurally, so it is not le there is going to be a massive change. As for objects… I think environment artists will want to have the ability to tinker with the different parts rather than just use a prompt system.

    In any case, as long as it helps to reduce the absurd budgets and development times the AAA industry is currently struggling with, it might be a good compromise.

  17. Doppelkammertoaster

    If you manufacture the creativity and human hand out of culture, culture becomes no longer human.

  18. Title is misleading.
    We (3d artists) can and already have no poblems with generating bigger texture resolutions, and we do have AI generating pbr textures from photo/diffuse like shown in video.

    What that is about **tool for modders** to upscale old game textures and generate missing texture data like surface roughness from existing textures that does not have it.

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