I’ll never get sick of this ol’ gem.

First played this back in 2001 from a burnt disc on my brother's GeForce 4-powered machine. The load times were insane on that thing, but I kept plugging away at it. Game had a style like no other.


  1. Snoo-73243

    god i loved the max payne series all three of them

  2. NewBug-2271

    everything in this picture is an old gem 😀

  3. Smooth-Sherbet3043

    Bro having the orginal experience

  4. AnyScore4287

    winter days
    come back from school to play max payne
    also would like to mention nsf most wanted and the struggle to increase bounty points
    good old days

  5. peacedetski

    I’m still pissed that they changed him from constipated Sam Lake to some generic noir dude in the sequels

  6. MildlyAmusedPotato

    I still remember the last mission of this game. Core memory

  7. the_jesters_codpiece

    Big up for Max Payne, I really enjoyed the story

  8. GloomyDoomy1

    I had to look real hard and went oh fuck is that max payne. So many memories man

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