
This DLC looks absolutely stunning.

An unedited ingame screenshot from the first 5 minutes of the game.


  1. liltrzzy

    Looks alright for what games look like nowadays. I could critique this specific one but id rather you enjoy it.


  2. Trapped_Mechanic

    Elden Ring does many things right, but one of those many things is vistas. I catch myself just staring at the world a *lot*.

  3. MrRoadShow

    The art direction is great. I love getting lost in imaginative, one-of-a-kind worlds. I’ve always said there’s a difference between pretty worlds and interesting worlds. Take Red Dead Redemption 2, for example. Real pretty game, but the environments are all real-world things. I prefer things that can’t exist in our world; even if the graphics aren’t state-of-the-art.

    Have you found the Cerulean Coast? I had to take a second to appreciate the sights.

  4. YourFriendlyMMODude

    No achievements added for it. Not buying it.

  5. aspectralfire

    For me it’s the “surprising discoveries.” Like in the base game when you take the first elevator to the underground siofra river.

    I just had a moment like that again in the DLC and it’s so damn cool. “Oh let me take a little side road. Oh there’s a cave and a dungeon. Oh there’s a door in the other side of this dungeon. Holy shit I’m in a whole new huge area.”

  6. King_Kvnt

    They’ve always had a good grasp of style in their works, even if the games aren’t at the pinnacle of graphics.

  7. lyriktom

    Not to sound like a fan boy but the art direction of FromSoft games is at least 2 levels ahead of anything else in the industry. I don’t know how they do it honestly.

  8. Buffalo-Reaper716

    Within 15 minutes of starting the DLC I found myself in an evergeol getting my ass kicked repeatedly. Definitely not disappointing..

  9. overbread

    Bro Yesterday i kept staring at a crumbled castle wall for like a minute. They tell stories with stuff like that alone.

  10. I’m kicking myself for sending my only Character to ng+ for no reason way back when the game originally came out. Cause now I really wanna play the game, but man…its way too long to replay it all

  11. Flat_is_the_best

    Is this some meta build or something I see so many phantoms that look exactly like that lmao

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