Guilty! I always end up going back to TF2

Guilty! I always end up going back to TF2


  1. Busy-Ad-9459

    You’d be surprised but a lot of those old games run like shit…

  2. Uhmattbravo

    I was recently playing New Vegas on a 4090.

  3. Boulderdrip

    your meme is reversed.

    the title should say “Gamers who buy a new $3000 gaming pc”

    the the ring should represent “Old game that runs on a potato”

    the reason being in this scene gandalf if trying to convince bilbo to give up the ring since he is now moving on to new things, Bilbo responds with “after a all
    why not, why shouldn’t i keep it” referring the the old ring he’s had for decades.

    this has been my ted talk

  4. ohthedarside

    Funny thing is you could end up with more performance on the old system cause some games really hate new parts

  5. ChronoRedz

    I built my son a fx 3300 or 3500 (cant remember). It plays games that my R5600X and 6800xt can’t play. Build two PCs, one new and one about ten years old tech.

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