Throw back to that one time I had a key revoked that came from G2A and they asked me to send them a police report. Never buy from this site.

Throw back to that one time I had a key revoked that came from G2A and they asked me to send them a police report. Never buy from this site.


  1. Polpo_El_Pescador

    Why would you ever use g2a when instantgaming exists?

  2. firey21

    I’ve bought a handful of things off G2A and not had any issues. Including RDR2 ultimate. That said, I’ve also successfully purchased from g2g and that feels way sketchier.

  3. Glittering-Neck-2505

    Oh well. It’s a gamble you take buying things for much cheaper. And honestly usually a worthwhile one, as most people don’t have problems.

  4. Apprehensive_Ask_752

    I had issues with them too lost $30

  5. DemocracySupport_

    I’ve been buying from G2A for years without a single problem?

  6. lxnch50

    I’ve only bought like 10 games off of G2A, but never had an issue. I know there is a risk involved though. Did you buy the “Insurance” or whatever it is called for this purchase that usually costs a buck or two?

  7. gchaudh2

    g2a pulled this shit on me. I reported them as fraudulent to Chase. Got my money back from Chase and they closed the case as G2a never responded. They did however, banned my email address and CC from future purchases. That actually helped me more than them lol

  8. Isaac-MG

    I had an issue years ago and their shitty customer service was the worst I have ever seen. I stopped visiting that shithole and never looked back.

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