Is this what I think it is?

The green lines are my concern. The white is my wallpaper. Context: 1.5 year old PC. Was gaming and then PC did this. Restart, reboot game, same thing instantly. Only happens when I'm playing a game. Checked GPU drivers, confirmed my GPU is still fully seated and not sagging (I have a support under it), rechecked wiring to make sure nothing was loose. Is my GPU dying?


  1. mwjb86SFW

    All I see is blonde, brunette, redhead.

  2. Both-Lime3749

    No, it’s space invaders, don’t worry.

  3. assortedUsername

    Test ram if you can via memtest86, before that though try ddu and reinstall of drivers.

    Maybe before the test try different ports/cable 

  4. DrTricky

    Try a different display cable. I have seen a couple posts where that ended up being the issue.

  5. NeskeShin

    I would uninstall all graphic drivers and install all over. Then remove the graphic card, clean the slot and try it again.

  6. Snow-Crash-42

    The Matrix has you. Follow the White Rabbit.

  7. enderjaca

    My PC did this when the mobo died. The graphics cards still functioned when plugged into another machine. But apparently something in my motherboard was toast.

    It was upgrade time anyway.

  8. BloxMaster3

    give a o7 to his GPU. It had a good run

  9. Isn’t this indicative of VRAM dying on the GPU?

  10. Thunder302

    To my eye, this looks like your gpu is absolutely gonezo, but i could definitely be wrong. If your pc is 1.5 years old, I’d try to see if an rma is available for the gpu. I’ve never encountered this problem myself, but my friend bought a pc and his Radeon gpu did this after a bit and he was able to rma it and get a new one. Best of luck to you👍

  11. UpstairsAnxious9069

    These comments are lying to you, it’s not the Matrix or Space Invaders, it is financial debt!

  12. MrLagzy

    If this was the game Black and White you’d hear a womans voice whispering *deeeeaaath*

  13. TheRefurbisher_

    Most likely GPU. Less likely, bu it could be your CPU or chipset. If either of those is going bad in a very specific way, it can fuck up and throw random shit into the data running through your PCI-e lanes. Try a different GPU if you have an extra kicking around.

    EDIT: u/enderjaca below said something that supports my theory. The chipset seems to have gone bad on their motherboard:

    “My PC did this when the mobo died. The graphics cards still functioned when plugged into another machine. But apparently something in my motherboard was toast.”

  14. ClastycX-Maty

    Reinstall drivers, clean the graphics card or change it…

    his time has come

  15. darklogic85

    A lot of people jump to the conclusion of it being a bad GPU, but check everything else first. I’ve seen this caused by bad cables(swap it out with a different one), bad ports on monitors(plug into a different port if one is available). Plug in a different monitor entirely to see if the same problem appears on a different monitor. I doubt it’s driver or software related. This looks hardware related, and it could be GPU related, but start checking the cheap components first.

  16. TIFUbyVapingatWork

    Not like this…. No like thiiiiiiiis

  17. Accomplishedhuman10

    Your gpu is fucked it basically means that the vram is corrupted aka fucked

  18. PatrickTheDane

    I think you have just discovered the matrix

  19. Comprehensive_Ship42

    Hacker playing space invaders

  20. sharknice

    Try completely powering off and unplugging the PC for 10 minutes.

  21. stackfrost

    Some Japanese yoasobi concert audience?

  22. No-Chance1133

    Try downclocking the memory to see if it clears up. If its the graphics card, there’s a good chance this will clear it up. It could be fine for a long time downclocked or it could only be a temporary fix.

  23. Chanclet0

    Wipe all gpu drivers and reinstall, try booting without the gpu, play something without the gpu, stress test the gpu, individually check ram sticks with memtest just in case, check temps.


    But yeah whenever something like this happens the main suspect is the gpu

  24. harry_lostone

    just take the red pill



  25. bobsim1

    My overheating gpu made something similar

  26. NessGoddes

    Had similar problem – symbols all over screen while using remote desktop to connect to other machine. Fresh VGA drivers fixed that.

  27. Yep. It’s fireworks for finishing the GPU game!

  28. GnarShredder96

    Wanted to make a quick comment at work to thank everyone for the different suggestions. I’ll definitely try some of the more hopeful solutions (i.e. bad cables) before I call it. I’m also gonna get in touch and see if I’m still eligible for RMA.

  29. IsAnyoneEnjoyingThis

    Try turning it off then reseating the graphic card. It might be loose in its slot.

    But that is artefacting like crazy. So your card might be toast.

    The GPU solder balls deteriorate with time. Worst case scenario you could try a re-soldering job with a solder mask. But unless you have the skills and tools already, it’s better to put it in the broken pile and get a new/used GPU.

    If you have an Intel or AMD gpu with onboard graphics you could use that instead to test the motherboard and monitor with your card removed.

    But if those work after re seating any of your loose connectors. Then your removed GPU is done.

    If it’s just the right monitor that is not working, but the other one does, then it’s a dead monitor issue only.

    You could try a driver re-install if it’s right monitor only or check its cables. But if it’s still bad it’s a GPU issue.

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