Second life of sh1ro

Second life of sh1ro


  1. falsa_ovis

    so happy for him, as he was literally burying his whole career with C9

  2. MidnightSnackyZnack

    Honestly, been very fond of Shiro lately. Seems like a very humble human being and also he seem to follow his heart.

  3. Aizen_sousuke1

    Sh1ro crying was probably one of the saddest things I saw in CS. I’m so happy for him that he found a home and winning trophies now!

  4. InevitableMost6194

    Hope to see shiro win a major. Its obvious how much he cares about the game and how passionate he is. Best of luck to him and Team Spirit

  5. Awesome video, really nice to watch all this. That moment with sh1ro hugging h0bbit aftar that loss is so heartbreaking, I always liked sh1ro so much, and watching that breaking point was hard…

    Now in Spirit he got so much energy, he’s hyped like never before, and I am loving every moment of it.

    It is such a joy simply seeing how happy he is right now.

  6. loverofsports7

    Shiro has been one of the most consistent players for the last few years and always seems to try his best. Glad he’s winning and smiling on Team Spirit now.

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