
My mother sent me a photo of pure joy, from Christmas 2003

My mother sent me a photo of pure joy, from Christmas 2003


  1. fairy_tale_girl_s

    I miss those fancy transparent consoles

  2. pogo_44

    I never had a GBA, I went from a GB to a GBC to a GBA SP

  3. theytookcake

    This has just unlocked a memory I never had, I was 2 years old back then.

  4. cosmolitano

    The Nintendo 64 screaming kid comes to mind lol. I’m just imagining you screaming GAMEBOY ADVANCE!!! GAMEBOY!!! ADVANCEEEEE REEEEE

  5. MiniLinnieSc

    Woah. Now, that’s not just a pure joy, if we were friends back then, I would definitely hang out in your house 24/7 lol

  6. DarkstarRising13

    I remember getting a Gameboy Advance as well, the same model as the one you got as well. There were very few games I had for the system, the most notable ones I can remember are Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Super Mario 3D World, and Pokemon FireRed.

    Wish I had gotten the Gameboy Advance SP version; that one was superior.

  7. _NorthSouth

    I realized Santa wasn’t real when I was eight and saw an N64 in my parents’ closet (still my favorite gift of all time) and then I got it “from Santa”.

    I didn’t really care that Santa was dead since I was too busy kicking Ganondorf’s ass. Priorities

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