moms js gave me old macbook how old is it

moms js gave me old macbook how old is it


  1. tyanu_khah

    FYI. That’s not a MacBook, that’s an iBook.

  2. prombloodd

    Old enough that it isn’t an X86 machine that is a powerPC machine running a very early version of OSX

  3. AnyScore4287

    its older than you my friend
    please keep it safe and reupload after another 10 years
    keep it as a collectible

  4. fsurfer4

    More than old enough to not be usable in any form.

  5. Global-Pickle5818

    Is this the Mac from hackers ..

  6. Background_Trifle319

    My first mac, got it back in 2004/5. Loved it

  7. ImVeryUnimaginative


  8. gnocchicotti

    Bruh did Linux even exist back then? Seems like that would be an interesting project.

  9. hardrivethrutown

    That’s an iBook… That’s what came *before* the MacBook

  10. UncaughtError69

    New javaScript framework just dropped. mom.js

  11. Mastetaeiou

    this thing would burn running solitaire

  12. EmoExperat

    Thats not a mac book.

    That is an old i book from before the intel mac

  13. Resident_Lie_5728

    You can sell as an antique object

  14. whatever6728

    I thought a new js framework came out

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