This actually hurts!

This actually hurts!


  1. whereballoonsgo

    Should’ve marked this nsfl, I wasn’t ready to see that many pins get murdered.

  2. TigerLove2

    This is a horrible crime. She deserves the death penalty.

  3. Punch_A_Lot

    you should never hit a wo… nevermind

  4. BrightAssignment7646

    “Wanna do a build the new AMD build for likes?” “Sure, everyone can do that..” Ummmm, how do i start the PC…”

  5. Jesterverse

    The verge PC build tutorial be like:

  6. Aid2Fade

    Yeah that’s when I did the involuntary gasp, accurate

  7. earningdifficulties


  8. Legitimate-Will-8540

    Lga cpu on lga motherboard there weren’t any pins involved

  9. Planet-Funeralopolis

    That hurts my soul and I don’t even believe in a soul.

  10. Ok-Issue7908

    Man, I actually jumped up when the scratch noise happend…
    OP surely is a masochist!

  11. tharnadar

    that’s why i don’t touch anything inside my pc…. but i need to change the case for better cooling and i’m scared to ruin everything

  12. LastRedshirt

    No Kinkshaming, but I believe, this is some serious trolling and/or BDSM-stuff.

  13. I was like “oh whatever a girlie making a pc it’s not that bad… WTF DID YOU DO!” yea that hurt.

  14. Puzzleheaded-Soup362

    This was already banned from here last time.

  15. ArtlessAnarchist

    For anyone who needs some researching, the IG is *hall_of_tech*

  16. XsancoX

    She found the PC building tutorial on the goggel. She had to swipe alot of page tho.

  17. oldelbow

    What hurts is by engaging with this we are giving her exactly what she wants

  18. guyrizzling

    please escort it back to the kitchen

  19. AWildGamerAppeared25

    Oh she’s just doing it wr- OH DEAR LORD WHY

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