VRAM Wars: AMD Overload, NVIDIA Shortage

VRAM Wars: AMD Overload, NVIDIA Shortage


  1. Lastdudealive46

    Please show me a game that’s VRAM limited by 8GB at 1080p, 12GB at 1440p, or 16GB at 4k.

  2. ScottyArrgh

    …something tells me NVidia is doing just fine…

  3. *laughs in Ai data centers*

    They have plenty of vram, just not for you…

  4. EiffelPower76

    Gamers continue to buy 8GB VRAM graphics cards, so Nvidia continues to sell them, it’s as simple as that

  5. IsoLasti

    zzz.. Are we still doing the VRAM scare thing?

  6. XWasTheProblem

    There’s like 3 games in total that really care about VRAM and people shit themselves thinking their 2 yo card will be useless.

  7. BeerGogglesFTW

    It’s an old meme but it checks out.

  8. BeornGG

    Man I would love to have a well balanced option. Like a 4070 ti / 4080, with 20GB of VRAM, in a humane price ~ 700/800€.
    Maybe on Christmas when they release 5000 series. For 1200-1500€ 🥲

  9. LastRedshirt

    too much RAM and too much VRAM? I mean, too much on the bank-account is also bad 😐

  10. BluePenguin2002

    My 3070 fills its 8GB VRAM all the time, it’s super annoying.

  11. Additional-Ad-7313

    3090/90ti and 4090 all with 24gb, meanwhile at AMD there is only the 7900xtx

  12. bigbodyboricua001

    A $600 4070 Super should not have only 12GB of VRAM

  13. Dx-Devilster

    Which is better tho (newbie here) amd Or nvidea (I m getting rx6700xt and 3060 around the same price which one should I go for?)

  14. durtmcgurt

    For the vast, vast majority of gamers this isn’t a problem. Most people aren’t VRAM limited unless you are modding like crazy. I barely ever got VRAM limited on my 8gb 3060ti and I’ve never come close with my new 4080 super, and I play most of the newest and really demanding games.

  15. FormalIllustrator5

    5090 will be eventually 32GB VRAM, but that will not help anything, currently 7900XTX is 24GB and is not usable for gaming even on 4k/HDR/ULTRA etc..bs

  16. N3koEye

    Idk, my 4070 has 12GB (if I’m not wrong) and never had problems related to VRAM.

  17. arian_ezequiel

    Wallet issue, they have vram. Just not for our budget.

  18. Traditional-Storm-62

    my 1070 has the same amount of vram as 3070 💀

    some Nvidia cards seem to have designed obsolescence on vram, like rtx3070 and gtx 1060 3gb which came out already obsolete

  19. Odd_Masterpiece_9316

    6384825th time seeing this meme

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