
Todd Howard Rules Out Fallout 1 and 2 Remakes

Todd Howard Rules Out Fallout 1 and 2 Remakes


  1. Sensitivevirmin

    Leave more time to developed way to put Skyrim on your new Apple Watch.

  2. DrkPwdr

    It would probably take expertise that Bethesda doesn’t have.

  3. tea_sloth7

    Todd’s out of touch. We need a Morrowind remaster.

  4. this_guy_over_here_

    Why would people want that? Bethesda has openly admitted that they can only work on one game at a time…and fans want REMAKES from them???

  5. This is fine. There are probably already modders remaking these games (*I think I remember seeing an article about someone making Fallout 2 in 4’s engine or some such*), and it’s not like Todd Howard’s crew needs more reason to delay actually fucking putting out TES6.

  6. alexjimithing

    Yeah can’t remake the actually good Fallout games

  7. NinjaDroideka

    I do get the points that are being made in the article, my only issue with it is that the steam copy I have doesn’t run well. It breaks after a short while playing. I don’t have an issue with them saying they only want to make sure people can play them how they were originally created, but I think a StarCraft remastered style of remastering would probably help to fix the problems that a number of prospective players may have about struggles to get the game working on new hardware. Then again maybe I’m doing something wrong and most people can play with no issues (I hope this is the case. Please someone tell me what needs to be done)

  8. Mostdakka

    Good. I would not trust Bethesda with this. I wont believe for a second they could pull off a full on remake of those games.

  9. Ubersupersloth

    I didn’t hear New Vegas being ruled out.

  10. VertexMachine

    Remaster of fallout 2? You can’t improve on perfection.

    The only thing that bethesda could do, is to actually ruin it.

  11. gokartmozart89

    I wish they’d get updated to 64 bit. I had them through a GoG promotion and I played them on my MacBook during law school, but the new OS won’t run them because they’re still 32 bit. I have a work PC so I’m not inclined to buy a personal one until I have kids and I want them to be versed in Windows too. 

  12. Evenmoardakka


    oh well, looking forward to project arroyo

  13. Kitchen-Plant664

    Just give me an iOS version so I can play on my iPad and I’m happy. There IS a version of 1, 2, and Tactics that’s come out recently on Xbox. I’m not sure if they’re out on other systems.

  14. jondelreal

    I just want them ported to run on M-series Macbooks.

  15. pplatt69

    I hate to and am surprised to realize it and say it, but Bethesda has done nothing but disappoint me with their last giant game, their focus on MMOs, their CONSTANT effed up updates, and their general path and attitude and inability to get out of their own way, lately. Todd’s interview with Matty just definitely drive that home for me.

    I have absolutely crossed the line from “I love them” and am now deep into “I loveD them” territory.

    I’m obviously not gonna get what I want from them, so there’s no reason for “Bethesda” to be a gaming news keyword for me anymore.

  16. NarratorDM

    Bethesda adding imperfection to perfection… again.

  17. FeralSquirrels

    It’s one of those things which, were it done “properly” with respect for the source material itself, would be great.

    I’d be *all over* like a horrendous, virulent disease a Remaster of FO1+FO2.

    There’s plenty of improvements that could be made without, in any way, shagging the proverbial pooch – update textures, perhaps some QoL features, bring in modding support maybe….it’d be neat. Giving us the choice to also turn “on” and “off” some of the features would, again, be absolutely brilliant (a-la Halo’s visual refresh).

    The problem is we all know the pooch would be hit like a freight train – Bethesda wouldn’t be content to just do that, they’d touch things that don’t need touching and poke things they had no business poking.

    Or failing that, the sheer level of work that’d go into it would mean it ends up being a full-price AAA-cost remaster or would end up as some kind of absurd live-service offering and it’d go in places and ways that it really shouldn’t have.

    For this one it’s just a case of “Let the legends live on, don’t dig them up to slap rouge on them”.

  18. Dutchtdk

    In the actual interview, Todd was very respectful by saying that they can only add to it by making it… open and run.

    Anything they’d add would take away from the quality of the classic

  19. SheeleTheMaid

    No hair off my back. Et Tu for 1, and RPU for 2 do the trick very well without the need for remakes. Even if Todd wanted them, it wouldn’t be the same.

  20. JurassicFlop

    Gotta admit the man has a point. The quirkiness of FO 1/2 is what made them cult classics. They spent 10 years on starfield and dialogue was a struggle. Can’t fix Info/Shop/Sass/Bye if it isn’t broken.

    Plus I picture Todd Howard doing a dog’s confused head turn when asked if the creation engine does more than FPS.

  21. Lemmingitus

    A remake like Starcraft Remastered or Diablo 2 Resurrected would be pretty rad.

  22. Vinesinmyveins

    If you wanna play something akin to these: go play underrail

  23. TheDayManAhAhAh

    What about simple ports? It would be cool to visit these on console somehow.

    Then again, even my integrated graphics laptop could probably run these games no problem.

  24. MassLuca007

    As much as I’d love a remake of those games… I just don’t know if the player base would even be there for something like that unless it was an FPS remake. But even then it’s mostly a text based game so if they made them FPS games they’d probably have to voice all the characters and all the dialogue options (which there are a TON of)

    Unfortunately TBS games are pretty niche these days with the exception of Baldur’s Gate III

  25. Frank-Nuts

    In that case, how about a Starfield remake?

  26. CoolSeedling

    Of course he does. Everyone was asking for more Starfield.

  27. ratonbox

    Their team composition is skewed towards making new games since they have so many good people at writing new lore. Remaking 2 old games would under-utilize them.

  28. Ginn_and_Juice

    I would rather get tv show about this lore than a game

  29. ajdheheisnw

    I just want an easy way to play on my phone

  30. LifestyleGamer

    I could go for an AI upscale and resolution + Ultra wide support… but I wouldn’t want any more than that. The games are still incredible as is – lankiness and all.

  31. Jeoshua

    And Todd Howard is now officially dead to me.

  32. Bunnies_In_My_Butt

    Of course he did, as they’d be something other than a convoluted, boring disappointment.

  33. RiflemanLax

    Seriously, Fallout and Fallout 2 are a different experience and just dope on their own.

  34. Lothleen

    That is because they can’t bring the magic that interplay originally.

  35. Mygaffer

    Full fuck you Todd Howard, there is no reason higher resolution versions of these games with quality of life improvements couldn’t be made, welcomed and even successful.

  36. gungho999

    That’s fine, they should be left as is IMO. But can they just fix Fallout 3 so we can run it on modern PCs?

  37. Lanky_midget

    Just alt + f4 while you’re playing. That’s the Bethesda experience.

  38. Concoelacanth

    Well you see, they’re not about finding a missing family member, so…..

  39. ObeyTheLawSon7


  40. Just-a-Mandrew

    I would bet that if they were able to implement a mod store and make money off it, they’d be rushing to remake/remaster Fallout.

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