Season 06 2024 Patchnotes

Season 06 2024 Patchnotes


  1. nuggetsandsodaaa

    That’s not a nerf for HVK’s Large Caliber right?

  2. LeakersOnDuty

    Concussion is supposed to be buff. Accidentally wrote nerf.

  3. Venting_yetListening

    can we not pin this to the top or something on this sub? we ‘ll have a lot of accounts just posting the same thing again and again nd again for coming few days at least zzz

  4. Flappy__Bird

    Hardline Adjustment, ‘sLaYeRs’ be like : hehe boi

  5. Key-Solution-1195

    Concussion grenade doesn’t seem like a nerf as the delay is too long right now.

  6. Hikaru_The_Asian

    the Score streak odds buff to the launcher plus perk sounds good.
    i finally have a max gambling class(i love gambling. all my homies LOVE gambling.)

  7. anlineoffline

    Finally the Kilo Bolt won’t have the worst flinch in the game

  8. Might be seeing more Kn44 players out there soon hopefully

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