
Solid life advice

Solid life advice


  1. MsSweetDevil90

    Fallout offers some solid advice. There’s a settlement waiting for you.

  2. dravacotron

    Can’t run away if there’s no torso for the legs to attach to.

  3. Pengin83

    I saw this advice too. Does the enemy ever run away? I mean I typically aim for the legs or head first to either cripple or kill, but I can’t remember them ever running.

  4. Cloud_N0ne

    I always felt like targeting anything but the chest (best hit chance) or the head (best damage) was pointless.

    Then I started playing higher difficulties and realized how much crippling a deathclaw or radscorpion’s legs is useful when they’re charging you

  5. BecauseImBatmanFilms

    You know what? I don’t know if an enemy has ever actually fled from me. I normally just shoot the legs on creatures, not so they’ll run, but so they’ll slow down and be easier targets. Same reason I always target wings on Cazadors.

  6. Fair_Tomatillo7329

    Ah FO4, love that game. Still play it and love it more than any other modern RPG except for maybe D4, which gives me a completely different satisfaction, but I’ve also played for over 1000 hours.

  7. PaulQuin

    You’d be surprised how many players actually consider this a useful tip.

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