
Trish from Devil May Cry 4 cosplay handmade by me

Trish from Devil May Cry 4 cosplay handmade by me


  1. djvt585585

    Nice, but can I have some of that pizza though?

  2. Zealousideal_Tap8305

    i just busted to this, no joke

  3. CinnamonHotcake

    I should’ve been tHE ONE TO FILL YOUR DARK SOUL WITH LigHT!!!!!! ^Light!… ^Light!… ^Light!…

  4. AverageFishEye

    Thats a georgous room you’re sitting in

  5. Heavysmoker3packsday

    Take a sexy character and make it look like a man with a wig… My eyes are bleeding. Go cosplay something like low tier demons.

  6. meepmeepmeep34

    i doubt you made the pizza by yourself

  7. erikmalkavian


    When I first saw the name “Trish” I thought perhaps Trish Marigold of The Witcher Series

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