Call of Duty: Zombies

I wanna see a follow-up to Infinite Warfare’s story

Unpopular opinion, am I right? Seriously though.. Infinite Warfare's story; when researched — is really good.

Having Willard pretend to be angry when the crew survives Zombies in Spaceland so Mephistopheles doesn't catch on is quite endearing.
Saying Rave in the Redwoods will ‘‘surely end their silly little existences once and for all..’’ knowing damn well he was relieved.

Willard distancing himself from his daughter because she reminded him of his late wife was also really good! And sad; obviously.

I hate how it ended on a cliffhanger; because we'll never see it again.
Just because the game didn't do numbers doesn't mean its story wasn't good.

I'm gonna use hashtags on Reddit, #BringBackIWZombies


  1. bigoof13

    It was planned…. And then cancelled by corporate 💀

    Another L in zombies history, right next to the planned but cut maps and ZC2 on BO4

  2. Assured_Observer

    And I want to see the conclusion of the Chaos story, at least Infinite Warfare got an actual ending instead of getting cut halfway through with no explanation.

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