
Small desk, any ideas are welcomed

100cm x 60cm desk due to limited space. Any ideas on how to improve this setup? I also have a windows laptop which I use for some casual gaming. Any desk/keyboard mat to recommend too? Your feedback is appreciated ☺️

by Embarrassed-Waltz298


  1. AverageAi

    I’m sorry I don’t have any recommendations but what are you using to hold up your laptop?

  2. happiees

    If your laptop is one of those 360 degrees flip models, try to get a stand which can go higher. That way u can have it just like two screens.

  3. mmalkuwari

    I had a similar issue, my desk was 120×60 and I ended up adding two alexa drawers to both sides on the left and right of the desk, they served as extensions and it looks great and as an added bonus I had many drawers now to store things at,
    what helped me also is that my desk is motorized so I could raise or lower it until it matched the height of the Alexa drawers

    Check your desk height, if it matches alexa drawers then just get two and add one to each side

  4. Yatvek223344

    Could take some inspiration from your wallpaper. Get a nice sci-fi image and frame it to go on the wall above. A couple of ambient lights would do wonders too.

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