Counter-Strike 2

Catching CS2 Cheaters In The Act

I asked viewers to submit demos of suspected cheaters in Counter-Strike 2. Detective WarOwl is on the case, I’ll let you know if they’re cheating, or if they’re just better at the game. If Valve won’t give us Overwatch for CS2, then I’ll do it myself. Names of suspects have been anonymized.

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  1. All they need to do to fix overwatch is add a time component to who gets access. New player ranked 20k? Heck no they should not have access. 5 year coin 10k? Absolutely.

  2. It feels like visiting a old friend who is still up to his antics after I've been gone for awhile doing adult things, still chime in from time to time but the OW analyzing is just nostalgia

  3. Hey WarOwl have you seen Shounic's recent video on FixTF2? Would be interesting to get the CS community's input on his theories about what Valve could do to address this problem across all their games, particularly his theory about Overwatch now being trained by a hired company as opposed to users since cheaters found a way to exploit the system.

  4. I used to enjoy CS;GO a fair bit, played it pretty much daily and sat in GE solo, but I always ended up stop playing due to cheaters.

    The community is toxic waste, but at least I enjoyed the gameplay enough to play through it, but after all the years I just eventually got so fed up by the amount of cheats, teamkillers, and team-kickers.

    I always did my best to express positivity, yet whenever I got teamed up with a bunch of eastern-european people, it was either no comms, or just kill/ kicked by them.

    I don't miss the toxicity, I do the miss the gameplay a bit… It always scratched that itch no other game quite did.
    I probably just outgrew those games.

  5. Would be interesting if for lower level Overwatch users they only get assigned known cheaters and innocents but their input actually has no effect. Just to see how good their judgments are.

  6. WarOwl, I know you don't care about TF2 as much as CS, but it would be really nice if you posted a video on #fixtf2 and spread the message since botting and cheating obviously doesn't just affect TF2. Cheers!

  7. i'm pretty sure a lot of these people that cheat have some kind of mental issue. an identity disorder or delusional disorder, something within that realm. and, at times when i think someone is cheating i fall within that realm, am i delusional and or paranoid or am i being played. multiplayer games create trust issue. i've gamed with some people that were cheating on esea and faceit and i would not have known if they told me. or like the one time i helped someone install an m.2 ssd and windows. they had a device in the bottom of their pc and had security features turned off in their bios that by default are not turned off. also these individuals came from money.

  8. i haven't played any long form match since about 2020 because that style of match isn't for me anymore, i mainly play DM nowadays
    even official deathmatches have a ton of cheaters, i didn't expect them to actually be everywhere. it's very sad

  9. CS 2 is DEAD, just full of Cheating Players that blatantly Cheating and dont get punished !!! VALVE doesent give a F about the Cheating problem. They bring out New Cases to make what they like the most ! MONEY !!!!!!!!! MONEY !!!!!!!!!! MONEY !!!!!!!!!! Instead of doing something about the Cheater infestation !!! Players worser then Bots, without Map knowledge and 0 Croshairplacent, droping 30+ Kills and dont get banned, Thats gust SAD !!! BDW the First dude in the Video, has a 6 Week Streak on his Profile, that means that he is probably Cheating, at least 6 Weeks in CS 2 and does not get Baned. That leaves me speachless to be honest…It just F SAD and painfull to see a Game that i enjoyed, making me now on ever Match tilted and angry cause there are at least 2 Players in every Match Cheating, either in ur Team, Enemy Team or both…and cant Kick them cause they are boosting another account and none of them is getting Baned….Just pfff…

  10. Every game i play now luck off draw one side walks all over the other for 8 2 victory and the hacks are so blatant……………..Shame i was actually getting to the point where i could hit what i aimed at :).

  11. On fortnite creative 16 players 90% of the time i said in the vocal chat " nice cheat go to report you " they quit within 1 minutes, even if they just join in and they CANT get ban.

    Just tired of cheaters on every online game on pc.

  12. 3:17 he was cheating the entire time, its very common for them to cheat lightly and get mad when they die and then tell themselves the enemy must be cheating because they themselves are and the enemy cant be that good

  13. Bringing Overwatch back and giving it to trustworthy members of the community is something that needs to happen sooner then later. But there also needs to be something done that goes beyond the game. Something that will prevent cheaters from just creating/buying new accounts to continue cheating.

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