Counter-Strike 2

GRAND FINAL! Liquid vs Eternal Fire – HIGHLIGHTS – CCT Global Finals 2024 l CS2

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  1. That last round encapsulate Liquid right now. No lobby control, no outside control. Still decided to stack A for some reason then failed to come up with a retake plan ( 5 on 5 retake with Cadian on the AWP)

  2. cadian need to take rest or do something about his igl skills i think maybe academy will do the trick but his holding the team

  3. i want to thank ef for throwing dust 2 like the biggest idiots just to destroy my 3-0 bet. after that obvious cct throw I finally decided to ban my gambling accounts to the max and I finally start my life without gambling. I just dont know how you fuck up the pistol 5v3 at 9-3 half… Injust dont know how you obviously buy no kit to lose the round at 12-9. thank you eternal failure it couldve been an awesome win but you probanly saved me from losing more anyways.

  4. 10:05 Cadian throwing/wasting awp there cracked me up. he thought he was s1mple. wtf. just use the awp and clutch god damn it. what is this guy thinking?…

  5. Some changes has to come for the Liquid roster. I don’t know who they replace first but it looks like at least 2 players have to go.

  6. There's no way to say NAF plays bad, neither Twistz. Skulls is inconsistent. Cadian misses a lot of shots any Tier A+ wouldn't, and Yekindar just rushes and dies most of the times. Feels bad for Liquid

  7. I actually really enjoyed Liquid getting smashed. EF was just much better in every aspect of the game.

  8. Yekindar forgot how to play cs since he left VP. Cadian is underperforming a lot. Twistzz leaving faze to join liquid was the worst mistake in the pro scene since kjarbye left astralis to join north lol. Twistzz, NAF and skull are way to good for this team. They need to remove yekindar ASAP

  9. its crazy how they dont play as a team at all, they need to replace at least 2 of the 5, most likely Skullz and Yekindar

  10. YEKINDAR schooled by Xantares. Xantares probably top 5 aim, rifler in planet. And all you haters fuck off. Ef is coming for all

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