Counter-Strike 2

CS2 Matches with my Viewers!

Streaming Counter Strike 2!
Playing Members games with YOU my YouTube viewers.
WarOwl Wednesdays #7

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  1. The two main weapons needed the health to be tripped, at minimum! Having two main weapons is a great idea! But you would have to have more health, because TTK is too quick with two powerful weapons

  2. Try fixing your mic issue by running the following command in an admin powershell: (Get-Process audiodg).ProcessorAffinity = 1; (Get-Process audiodg).PriorityClass = ‘High’

  3. Must be nice to farm donations from 7 year olds at noon on a Wednesday! Good job! What a great contribution to society!!

  4. I’m glad you’re spending time on this rather than making good videos! Thanks for making long TikTok’s for 9 year olds 😘🫡🫡 it pays more right???????? That’s it??????

  5. Thanks war owl for choosing the easy way in life. Good to know you’re the same as the rest of us. Least amount of effort for most amount of money $$$$$$$$

  6. This was a really fun stream! I'm sorry for my poor performance on Anubis (n00b) – I missed easy frags, utility and made bad decisions. Still had a blast and I appreciate the positivity of everyone whom we played with. Your community rocks, WarOwl!

  7. You stream at a bad time for a lot of us, I'm sure. If you streamed later in the evening I'd totally become a member for a chance to play with you, but I'm your current schedule I'm always at work 😭

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