FPS Games

Why FPS Games Aren’t as Fun as You Remember

FPS Games in 2024 aren’t the same, and modern FPS games just aren’t as fun as you remember. In this video we will look at the shift that happened to the FPS games space around 2018 and why you aren’t wrong when you think back so fondly to the older era of games. It’s not just nostalgia, rather a fundamental shift in design the the gaming industry as a whole has taken. Modern gaming in general is moving more to prioritizing monetization over fun and solid game design. And as this happens players lose out on a lot of what makes the experiences special and fun. Of course there are still great experiences coming out, but not as often from the triple A space. What do you think about all this? Let me know. Thanks for watching! #fpsgames #gaming

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  1. – Aesthetics and thematic approaches are no longer cared for. The whole theme and immersion is thrown out of the window in favour of ridiculous skins and crossovers.
    – Games are designed for player retention through dripfeeding and FOMO instead of rewarding players through unlocks based on accomplishments and effort.
    – Games are designed more and more around SELLING content instead of enjoying more content.
    – Games are chasing trends instead of innovating and being unique.
    – Even matchmaking is designed to retain instead of offering the most consistent and stable experience. It is designed to protect players instead of learning to deal with better players.

  2. I recently started playing the original Unreal Tournament again but this time with several modern mods that allows for online play, modern resolutions, 4K textures on all maps, weapons, and models, and goodness gracious…….I played for several hours straight! That was some of the most unadulterated pure multiplayer fun I've had in a long time.

  3. I've always played FPS games primarily for the story and campaign. Multiplayer, no matter how fun, I always thought of us an add-on experience.

    That's why I was such a big fan of Halo, Half-Life, and Deus Ex. And it's why Destiny 1, although I did have a lot of good experiences with it, ultimately left me feeling disappointed.

    It's clear that the social and economic forces driving game design decisions have drifted away from my own interests as a consumer of video game media. Coupled with the ever-growing focus on alternative monetization models, and I just feel like gaming has entered an era of stagnation, in which none of the AAA games are going to be remembered as classics.

    Indie developers create painstaking works of art, but the smaller experiences often are often insufficient to sate our hunger. And if they're at all successful, they're likely to be bought by a larger corporation seeking to transform their valuable property into a resource to be mined for cash until all that's left is a dessicated husk.

    All of my childhood favourite franchises are dead or dying, and so are many of the creators who brought them to life in the first place. It feels like the end of an era. But I hope one day gaming will experience a Renaissance of sorts.

  4. Studios are trying to create passive income streams, not fun and engaging games. That's why everything feels the same and we have the same complaints about all of these modern games. They're all created with the same motivation and end up suffering for the same reasons. There are outliers, but a disruption is needed in order to course-correct.

  5. Tbh halo 3 still hits for me. I feel like its one of the most rewarding multiplayer games to this day and i dont even get cosmetics for doing well

  6. Knocked it out of the park with this video. The triple A space has me starved for a genuinely complete fun experience for fps titles in a wave of mtx live service br trend chasing. Too much analytics and playing it safe, it's not a game for players being made today. It's a game for the quarterly report meetings and company investors and shareholders.

  7. I'd have to disagree. After all this time I'm tired of the toxicity and my fun being determined by having to win. I've just started playing Warframe and I can finally have fun just chilling.

  8. It’s a combination of you getting older and the games shifting focus from making a fun game so that people will buy it to making games that are addicting so people buy skins. Huge difference.

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