Counter-Strike 2

The Public Data Library for CS2

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  1. I always say "leetify spray" if i do a very wack one because leetify told me my m4a1-s spray was pretty much upside down

  2. I knew there was something off about the USP. Sometimes I’m holding mid on dust 2 and the terrorists run out with glocks shooting from top mid insta headshot.

  3. BruhπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚people have no idea, Cs is plagued by cheaters. Every match has a cheater, no matter your elo, he is a bloody cheater

  4. im enjoying the game again. been playing and havent seen spinbotter case bots and cheaters. getting to end with 40-3 KDA again. happy with this mass bans and hammering chaeters. hope it continous

  5. Anubis isn't replaced probably because of its popularity in pro games. Overpass was horrible to spectate also

  6. I'm more interested in the clutch rating and its correlation to suspected wallers…

  7. You have a hard time playing mirage because you’re playing B. Never play an anchor position in a pug. That just ends with you hoping the teammates playing the power positions don’t suck and we all know how that goes. Some loser is always willing to be the anchor, play connector or window, they are close to mid and A, allowing you to have the most individual impact.

  8. Filter by TTK, weapon used, and duration of match. If the match was ~10 minutes, TTK was like 0.1 seconds, and someone used the scout for that particular match, that's just a confirmed cheater, you don't even need to look at the demo at that point.

  9. Make it so your ID is linked to one account for life, cheating problem solved but no one wants to hear it

  10. Don't forget that Anubis is the newest map in the pool, so Overpass IS the lowest played map if you scale it by the time it was out. I'm sure that in a couple of years Anubis will be more played than Mirage πŸ˜‰

  11. The game is a casino, no way a multi billion dollar company would let their game stay in that state for so long if they really cared. This is just a massive cash grab. Worst company fail of all time.

  12. I dont know, valve is almost like 4yo kid πŸ˜€ fking developing game and then cant stop People cheating, so embarrasing

  13. I really want to know what Valve is gonna do with the cheaters. Can’t even play late night anymore. Always a closet cheater that goes full rage after one of us have a good round. I guess they can’t fathom the thought of someone doing good and being legit. Fucking bots

  14. Anubis is the 2nd most played map in pro play according to HLTV in 2024. Only ancient is played more

    Basically premier scrubs are too lazy to try and learn a new map

  15. Wdym? It's completely normal for a player to look at the ground, spin at a million miles per hour, bunnyhop perfectly everytime, shoot their entire magazine in one shot and kill everyone through walls with inhuman reactions and perfect flicks. That's like… completely impossible to detect. lol

  16. Very easy to spot the cheaters, even when they are not playing with cheats, they don't use any nades.

  17. Lowkey annoying how D2 was replaced over overpass because of its "low play count" considering premier has been infested with cheaters.

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