Counter-Strike 2

I played counter-strike’s secret singleplayer

After 5000 combined hours in counter-strike I found out there was a singleplayer version… It did not disappoint.


  1. When I played Deleted Scenes 16 years ago, It was an action game.

    Watching Ohne play it at 41:20, it turns out its a comedy action game, the way he got sent flying. LMAO.

  2. I own physical copy of counter strike – Counter-Strike 1 Anthology. Original installer is from Sierra Entertainment not Valve.

  3. I bought original CS 1.6 steam CD when it came out back i the day, and i still have it :D. Condition Zero was on that with CS 1.6, i was never a secret singleplayer :D. That game was epic, love that shit.

  4. 2:10:11 I laughed for soo damn long here because i'm 1000% sure if ohne actually ever used f5 before that he would have thought the screenshot sound is confirmation he saved the game.

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