Counter-Strike 2

Wait, VAC LIVE is Actually REAL?!

#shorts #cs2 #counterstrike

CS2 has a cheating problem and needs VAC live.

Hosted by: Dimitri Pascaluta
Written by: Elisabeth Marchini
Edited by: Sam Gore
Produced by: Bernard Malijan


Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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  1. That why i quit tf2 as main spy its impossible to havexfun in game they use stealth mods loud footsteps,snipers with autoaim garbage

  2. They earn so much money with cases they could easily found a team to manually and automatically get rid of most of the cheaters. But no, let's waste everyone's time by doing nothing

  3. Faceit is the only real way and it has always been, way more challenging, global elites looked like silvers after you played some level 10 faceit

  4. If the non cheaters just stopped playing valve would do something about it…but people are dumb and keep playing the game

  5. "that's just the state of the game right now" sweaty its been like this since the the inception of counterstrike, there had never been good anti cheat and never been enough done to stop cheaters.

  6. Competitive tactical shooters are in a state of complete distress one game can't have an anti cheat system while one game can't have a replay system.

    What should we do now play fortnite 💀😭

  7. Fake 😂 i just afk a game because of 2 cheaters 😂 vac live more like india customer support live like the amazin thing 😂

  8. The thing is, yeah a lot of content creators are quitting cs2, but the overall player numbers have only been going up for the last few months and it doesnt look like its stopping

  9. I mean it’s not I’ve played 3 games since the update dropped and have had rave hackers toggle in 2 games

  10. Only thing it did is causing cheaters to be alert and turn of for a dew days. Now its all back to normal since cheaters know there’s nothing to worry about.
    Had a blast during this weekend and secured many ez wins…

  11. Guys, CS 1 came out how long ago? Why bend over backwards to be fed garbage product in the form of this game, and still not even consider quitting the game??

    Cs players are like people stuck in abusive relationships, they need to leave but can't admit it to themselves.

  12. Is the cheating only happen in higher rank?
    I only play normal mm (not premiere) and my rank is silver elite something, i forgot.
    I play for fun and to get the free case + skin every week lol.
    But so far i only met 2 obvious cheaters and the rest are either crazy good or hide their cheats pretty well.
    But still, not so rampant that makes me wanna quit. Plus CS is the only comp game that i play where i can turn off my brain and just press buttons lol

  13. It will never come

    If there was an anti cheat that isn't Karnel level and works, other games would have used it

    Cs community is on Insane amount of copium and valve will never make a working AC, they will just try to gaslight you that they did and everyone is just better

  14. I'll be honest, if you are a casual and below 5,000 in premier, the cheater issue is a much less apparent issue. That's where i currently am and while I'm aware it exists because that's all people talk about, i personally almost never find cheaters

  15. It’s working, the issue is that cheaters are working back. Once cheat writers get feedback on what gets detected, they adapt. VAC live has to constantly keep up and keep adapting.

    I’m not saying the game is fine, just that it was never going to be a snap of the fingers solution.

  16. I love how we are begging Valorant for an replay system whit a unit of a anti-cheat, while CS is the opposite

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