UE5.3 version: https://youtu.be/lUGjgR_jIgY
In this tutorial, which is Part 1.1 (an updated recording for use with Unreal Engine 5.4) of my How To Make A Multiplayer First Person Shooter In Unreal Engine 5 tutorial series, I’ll go through some basic project set up, show how to set up a third-person mesh with its own animation blueprint for other players to see, attach a weapon to the mesh, and set up a basic procedural vertical aim offset that is replicated.
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MizzoFrizzo_Tutorials/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/884349679908510/
Part 1 (UE5.3 version): https://youtu.be/lUGjgR_jIgY
Part 1.1 (UE5.4 version): https://youtu.be/fBjMk3FDYGI
Part 2: https://youtu.be/Q6tir38vx7c
Part 3: https://youtu.be/zAHRc4j3UZE
If you're using version 5.3 or older, please follow the other version of this video as it was recorded using UE5.3:
Hi. I will buy a pc with core i7 14th gen and rtx 4070 12 gb is it enough to run unreal engine? Thanks