Counter-Strike 2

twitch: dima_wallhacks #cs2 #counterstrike2


  1. Love it, ruining the counter-strike experience for the entire community.
    Why don't you rather report these issues to Dev's instead of posting videos like this ?

  2. Bro how can a company fuck up this big. I dont want to hear anything about valo being bad anymore as long as this shit is in the game. Like bro valo is not good or balanced but atleast it doesnt let everyone cheat

  3. Loved how he went “we can’t use this, there’s a smoke here” and then in the mirage game he just straight up abused it :p

  4. Wait so basically they want non-cheating players to have a level playing field against those with paid cheats huh?

  5. This is valves first and only attempt at developing a CS game and it shows. They need to go back to contracting another company to do what they clearly cannot.

  6. I can understand exposing such shitty anticheat on streams. But be happy when u kill people or win rounds using unfair advantage seems so rediculos and pathetic. Dude, man up.

  7. This guy got here cuz of nadeking and anomaly, but he's a nice and good player. If You help someone, at least help someone Nice and good at what he's doing! Good job dima! Keep it on Brother! Hopefully i will stream as you one day, and get help from the other streamers and youtubers!

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