Counter-Strike 2

Inferno Needs To F@*king Go.

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It feels as if a new CS2 map is right around the corner.

We’ve had photos of the new Cache for some time, the clamors for Cobble are getting louder and even the Train rework has been leaked.

But the question isn’t just ‘what will Valve put in’; it’s what will they take out?

Written & Hosted by: Dimitri Pascaluta (@DPascaluta)
Thumbnail by: Bennett Grainger
Edited by: Andrew Faigal (@brrrning)
Produced by: Danny Burke (@lurkeyburke)

Footage courtesy of:

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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  1. Current inferno sucks ass, boring asf to play ct as you stall enemies out till like 30 secs on clock every round and on t side it’s impossible to take any site cause too many angles and no one wants to try entry and die

  2. I'd agree, both Mirage and Inferno need to go. Also, Inferno needs to go just for the fact that for how many people love to pick it, a shit ton of them have no clue how to properly play it. And most abnoxiously they think that because some pro teams did X then that is a good thing to do. No, it's a good thing for the pro team to do, you are terrible at the game and fail at 50 other things that you must do before doing what you wanted to do or it will fail 100% of the time…

  3. Maybe hot take:
    Players. do. not. want. more. maps.

    I've been playing CS since beta 4 in 1999 and still play to this day, so I have a bit of a history with the game. Do not compare the highest of levels with the experience that 99,9% of players have. Fl0ms inferno example is perfect for this: Look at any MM game below 20k (which is 95% of all players) and you will not see any of those utilities except for the banana molly/smoke. No one knows how to molly/smoke mid from CT spawn, or second mid or anything like that. It's NOT a reality for the vast majority of players. Is inferno a deathmatch map? Sure. Is CS Deathmatch anyways for anyone under 12k? Definitely.

    CS has it's success by the massive amount of player base that keep grinding and playing the game for 20 years BECAUSE of it's small mappool and not in spite of it. My instabans in MM are anubis, vertigo and ancient. Watch a vertigo game in 12k and see what kind of deathmatch clusterfuck the map is. It may be fun for pros but its quakes q3dm6 for anyone else.

    If you have maps that have years or decades on their back, you have the chance that strats actually trickle down to the mid tiers of play (where your majority of playerbase are). Everyone knows the dust2 A split, how to flash long, how to molly car etc. Try that on vertigo at 15k and you get absolutely nothing.

    So no. Don't update the map pool with new maps. I've seen people rave about de_thera and its a very pretty map, but insert that into the map pool and you will have never ending chaos for the next years. Get cobble and cache back, maps where most CS players (because most cs players have been around for a while in the game) have already spent years and stop trying to "innovate" the game for a select 100/200 pros. Thats how Overwatch died.

  4. it just doesnt matter on which map i have to play against cheater at this point, so… idc. Mirage ist miserable, Inferno rework would be nice, cache and tuscan a dream

  5. The only rea lproblem in cs2 are cheaters !!! All else is small …..The game is ok !! Other maps ,operations or whatever Valve comes up with it is ok !!
    The only real problem that is killing this game are the cheaters !! That is all !! You keep asking for this and that ..i sugest you make your own game and try to please everybody !!

    Cs 2 is a great game ,except the damn cheaters !!!

  6. I'd love Valve to regularly rotate the map pool. With Mirage, Inferno, Anubis, Vertigo, Ancient, Nuke and Overpass as well as Train, Cobble, Dust 2 and Cache they have 11 pretty good and iconic maps that work in competitive. Maybe swap 2 Maps every year or something like that. Also I would love Train coming back. Its a pretty special map and there is just nothing like it. Just take Mirage out. It's long over its time

  7. Saying both Inferno and Vertigo are flawed is like saying the US and China are third world countries: yes, you're technically right, but one would much prefer living in China than US.

  8. Mirage sadly is the most fair map because EVERYONE knows how to play it. no one can carry mirage with utility because everyone knows what they are supppsed to do in what situation. Its the most fair map but holy fuck its boring because of that. Vertigo mains know how to carry ur team because the other people cant play it.

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